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gendered black matters: *masculinities

There are two components that contribute to the constitution of Black masculinities* - after Kimberlé Crenshaw, who coined the term of Intersectionality - that is that of Blackness and Masculinties*.
Within the framework of this seminar titled Nation and Black Modernities, it is this intersection as well as the people pertaining to this group that will be analyzed within the context of the United States of America. 

Enjoy your tour through the various pages that we have prepared for you!

With the use of the asterisk (*), the creators of this page are aware the categorizations we operate in, that is "masculinity and masculinities" as well as their binary oppositions "femininity and femininities" are social constructs. 

Black Sexualities and Gender Performativ
The Generation Talk.jpg

The White Gaze

The White Gaze.jpg

Our Selection of General Literature on Black Masculinities*

The material on this page was compiled, created, and arranged by Amna Anwar, Sena Konçak, and Artan Islamaj. 

Complete bibliography and list of references.

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