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afrofuturistic spaces

“What does it mean to leave one world for the next, or to leave the present time for the future? There are many terms that characterize the movements of people. Abduction, banishment, colonization, deportation, emigration, immigration, migration, exile, extraordinary rendition, pilgrimages, refugees, and settlers are a few words that qualify how people have come to occupy a place. Each word positions a person’s sense of belonging to a place against the biases inherent to our terminology. It is political for any people to live in any land. The future, or the idea of the future, is an unoccupied space, or a space in theory only. One can imagine a future existence as hopeful, but the possibility of annihilation and absence loom in our imaginations from the conflict-saturated stories of history.”  

-Andrea Carlson

"Revolution is always based on land."

-Malcolm X

If you were creating your own space - where would you want to go first?


Mark Dery, in his seminal 1993 essay, defined the term Afrofuturism to describe “speculative fiction that treats African-American themes and addresses African-American concerns in the context of 20th century technoculture – and, more generally, African-American signification that appropriates images of technology and a prosthetically enhanced future.” Sci-fi, creativity, and futuristic visions - for and by the Black community.

The birthplace of Detroit Techno and an urban space of Black imagination.

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No Black person has yet been in space - but this will change now. 

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A mythical nation awaits us in the eerie depths at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.

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